For use as portable electrical power and portable control cable. It can be used for ground test or motor leads. Also, it provides heavy-duty service for industrial tools, portable lights, battery chargers and equipment exposed to oils, solvents, flame and grease.
Product Description
Synthetic rubber insulation
Thermoset jacket
600 V
Nominal OD: 0.575
12 Amps Per Conductor
CONDUCTOR: Bare, annealed copper per ASTM B-3, flexible, bunch stranded per UL 62, a separator may be applied over the conductor
INSULATION: Synthetic rubber per UL 62
COLOR CODE: Per ICEA Method 1, Table E-1 (up to 21/C) except 3/C which is black, white, green
ASSEMBLY: Insulated conductors are cabled with fillers as necessary to make round, a separator is applied over the assembly
OVERALL JACKET: Black, oil-resistant thermoset compound per UL 62
STANDARDS: Meets the UL 62 requirements for Type SOOW, also meets CSA requirements for Type SOOW, accepted by MSHA and printed with the manufacturer's P number
AMPACITY: Based on a 30°C ambient temperature per 2008 NEC Table 400.5(A), the values are derated (where applicable) according to 2008 NEC Article 400.5